Life After The QuakeEveryday stories on the rebuilding of Nepal Collaborative journalism project facilitated by @GlobalBU AllVoicesLongreadsPicturesQ&A‘Who will listen to the voices of the small people in this country?’‘It might take 10 years, 20 years to return to the state we were in’Nepal earthquake anniversary: between frustration and hope‘People don’t want to show their personal life any more’‘They were happy because we gave them hope’‘I wish god would give the authorities an ear to listen to the voices of the victims’The man behind the StoriesHealing with laughter‘We used to take selfies with the nice background of temples. Now we try to hide it’‘They have not told me the name of his disease. They just said my son will never be normal’‘If we fail to perform our rituals properly, it will bring a bad fate’‘Some engineers said my house was unstable, others said it only needs minor repairs’‘I spent the last 300 rupees of my relief money on him’‘I cannot focus on studying for my exams’‘We used to be a well-equipped school. Now we don’t even have a library’‘Now this has become a relaxation spot for goats’‘We became best friends because of the earthquake’‘I have lost the hope I will ever get to return to that house’‘Richer people have already left the camp, but they come back whenever there is new relief’‘Before the earthquake, I would have targeted an A+. But now…’‘Prince Harry’s visit does not make a difference at all’‘I want the king back’‘Holi is completely different this year’‘The earthquake was God’s decision and we need to accept that’‘I have not earned a single rupee, but Holi brings immeasurable happiness’‘Today I’m not hungry. My stomach is filled with happiness’‘When I was young, there were no readymade colours and water pistols for Holi’9 months after the quake, a UNESCO heritage site awaits reconstruction in Nepal‘The media and politicians pose the idea to the villagers that they should have concrete buildings. But how?’‘Waiting for others to help us with our wants and desires will only hold us back’‘I can’t sit in one place for long. I am still in pain’‘This disaster has brought a new challenge to the lives of single women’‘Engineers marked our house unsafe … but we had to move back in’‘He took away the relief money’In the time of fuel crisis: commuting in Nepal More stories
‘The media and politicians pose the idea to the villagers that they should have concrete buildings. But how?’